About us

Our mission
Our charity has been created to promote, or assist in promoting, the conservation, maintenance and development of Andromeda Botanic Gardens, Barbados.
We aim to continue to preserve, encourage, support and enhance the scientific value of the living plant collections in the gardens, the habitat they offer for indigenous wildlife and their environmental importance in the area.
Why have we set up the charity?
Prior to Sharon taking over in 2014 the gardens were looking very neglected but we have seen the impact and passion that she has brought, as well as nursing the gardens through the difficulties of 2021. Sharon’s ongoing vision for Andromeda in 2022 is to create an ethnobotanical garden in 1-2 acres of the garden which is currently not open to the public. This has received some initial funding to help with ground clearance and will be developed as a community project to demonstrate water-wise gardening as well as careful plant selection.
There is, however, minimal assistance from the Barbados NT and heavy reliance on visitors and donations. We, therefore, feel we want to provide financial as well as moral support and hence the idea of setting up a UK charity and Friends of Andromeda Botanic Gardens (FAB Gardens!) was conceived. We are just in the process of setting up this charity and getting HMRC approval. The primary aim will be fundraising, but in time we wish to develop stronger links between partner gardens, for education, awareness, and even work experience trips. So any ideas, suggestions or advice will be gratefully received.

Anna-Lisa helps run the cafe, an essential source of income for the Andromeda Botanic Gardens